Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Roe v. Wade Anniversary/Surrendering The Secret Episode 1

     It's been forty years, since the landmark case of Roe v. Wade decided that abortion is legal.  Forty years.  It is estimated that 43% of women of childbearing years have experienced at least one abortion.  This is an astronomical number of losses, totaling more lives lost than all of the world's wars put together.  My heart aches to think of the children lost and the mothers and fathers whose lives are never the same after abortion touches them.  It truly is heart-wrenching, this "right" that we have to "choose."

     I wish that somehow, the people who fight so vehemently for the right to choose could walk one day in the shoes of the post-abortive woman or man who lives with a huge and undeniable void in their lives because of a past choice to abort one or more of their children.  I wish they could understand from the perspective of the woman suffering Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, or Post Abortion Syndrome how damaging psychologically the actual procedure in itself is, and how it changes who you are forever going forward in your life.  The ironic reality is that so many that make this choice don't even feel that they have a choice, but that abortion is their only choice and the only way, seeing at the time, no other possible solution.  And then once they do this awful thing that they don't want to do in the first place, there is NO coming back from it.  When they leave that clinic or Dr's office, their lives as they knew them are over.

     I watched with great anticipation the first episode of Surrendering the Secret on Knock TV last night.  I was filled with a thankfulness the entire show for the willingness of some to broadcast the truth about abortion and its aftermath; and even more importantly the forgiveness, healing and peace that comes from our Lord, if we seek Him with all of our hearts.  I am proud as a Christian to watch this exceptionally made show, knowing that in doing so our voices are being heard and growing stronger.  I am so thankful for this effort, and I commend the team at Knock TV for producing this in such a timely way! 

      As a therapist, I have sat in a circle of people just like the one on this show more times than I can count; and every single time, be it a group I am part of, or something I participate in as an observer, I am touched by the individual and unique humanity of us.  I thoroughly enjoyed watching this episode, as I could almost feel what the women were feeling as they entered into these scary and unchartered waters.  I am so impressed with their willingness to share, knowing their deepest feelings will be exposed to any and all who watch this show.  I am thankful, as a Christian and as a post-abortive woman myself, for the voice that is given here to the pain of abortion and to the mercy and healing that is available for us to receive from our precious Savior and Creator.  I am so appreciative for the individuals that care enough to put this show together, and amazed at how far we are coming in our ability to reach out to others all over the world with the truth about abortion and its devastation.  Thank God for Knock TV, and I will continue to pray for each and every participant who works to make this show possible. 

     My most paramount prayer is that abortion will end.  I pray that women and men will come to understand the horrors that result in this choice.  I pray that our young women will know the lies that trapped so many of us older women into having abortions are just that--lies that our enemy uses to lure us into a place of captivity, so that our lives can be negatively impacted, so that our joy can be robbed, so that our purposes will not be fulfilled in this world.  We must do our best to educate our young girls and boys about the possible pitfalls before them, so that the generations ahead of us will not be impacted in this horrific way.  It is our responsibility to expose the lies that cover and hide the truth from our young people.

     I hope you will join me in watching the rest of the episodes in this season of Surrendering the Secret.  The journey with these courageous women will be deeply touching, and a wonderful learning opportunity for those of us who have "been there." Next week in Episode 2, they will be sharing their stories, perhaps the most difficult part of the study.  You may watch it HERE.  I pray that as you watch, if you too are hurting from abortion, that you would reach out and begin your own healing journey.  That may be through doing the Surrender the Secret Bible study on your own, it may mean beginning therapy, it may mean attending a retreat, it may mean simply talking with a trusted friend or relative about your secret pain.  Whatever your need is, whatever your decided next step may be, I pray that you seek God in helping you and guiding you forward; because aside from Him, there is no real healing, of that I am certain.  I will pray for you as you take the next step that is right for you.  May God bless you.

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