Wednesday, January 16, 2013

God Will Take Care Of You

     As I do every new year, as I'm sure you do too, I ordered a new calendar to hang on the board above my desk last week.  I wanted something uplifting and empowering, with lovely art work to look at for inspiration also.  When I opened the calendar and looked at the picture and poem for January, I knew I had ordered just the right one for me.  Now, I can't stop reading the perfectly written words that hang peacefully there; and I want to share them with you, in hopes that you also may be uplifted by them.  They are written by Linda E. Knight, and are based on the scripture of Hebrews 13:5, "For He has said, I will never leave you or forsake you."  Which happened to have been extremely powerful and meaningful words for me during a dark time in my life, perhaps that is why this strikes such a deep chord within me.

May your heart 
find peace and comfort
in the knowledge
 that you are never alone.
May God's presence ease 
your spirit and give you rest.
He knows how you feel.
He is ever aware of your circumstances 
and ready to be your strength, 
your grace, and your peace.
He is there to cast sunlight
into all your darkened shadows,
to send encouragement through the love
of friends and family, and 
to replace your weariness with new hope.

God is your stronghold,
and with Him as your guide,
you need never be afraid.
No circumstances can block His love.
No grief is too hard for Him to bear.
No task is too difficult
for Him to complete.
When what you are feeling 
is simply too deep for words
and nothing anyone does or says
can provide you with the relief you need,
God understands.
He is your provider--
today, tomorrow, and always.
And He loves you.
Cast all your cares on Him...
and believe. 

(Taken outside the chapel at my retreat.)

Aren't these words beautiful?  Don't they speak so sweetly to the post-abortive heart?  I love the line, "When what you are feeling is simply too deep for words and nothing anyone does or says can provide you with the relief you need, God understands."   I believe this is my favorite part of the poem.  It is true, there are times and moments when no one can help, except God.  But, what if we've shut Him out?  Where is the hope then?  The answer is there isn't any hope without Him.  None.  But, hope may return, if only we open the door again, and let Him in.  He will listen, He is present always, but He will NOT knock the door down and barge in, we must invite Him.  The choice is ours.  The choice is yours.

          If you would like to order the calendar that contains the above poem, the link is HERE.

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