I am working hard to advertise our new site, and what an exciting time this is! I can see
God Winks everywhere I turn, and it is so amazing to feel that He is with me every step I take. I pray that many women and men will hear about our new site and will come to the retreats to find forgiveness from God and themselves, and to receive the healing that our Lord desires so much for them.
Abortion is a devastating choice for many women in many ways. I know that there are millions of people hurting from their past abortions and I want so much to help them find the healing that I have found and experienced, and am so thankful for even as I write this.
For me, the retreat was "the icing on the cake." I had worked so hard on my own for so long to find the healing that I needed, but something was still missing. I still had these doubts and whispers of "am I really healed?" The retreat was closure for me. In my co-facilitation of these retreats, I am always amazed at how much each person who attends is blessed, whether that person is in the early stages of healing, or like I was, had been working at it for quite some time. This program is fit for all stages of the healing process, and the healing is VERY MUCH a process. It takes much time, as any type of grief does. Abortion has so many other layers on top of just the usual grief of having lost a loved one that it definitely qualifies for the label of "complicated grief." There are so many others things that go along with it, like the guilt of knowing you choose this loss, your survivor guilt as a mother, the trauma of the actual experience, and the other relationships that in some way, directly or indirectly, attributed to the abortion, and countless other issues.
I will continue to work, even as I have faith that God will bring together the group of women and men that He wants present in our retreat on October 19-21st, 2012. I pray that if you are in need of these retreats, that you will pick up the phone and register @ 828.919.8020. May God Bless You!
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