My friend, Debbie, and I are hoping to partner together in providing Interdenominational Rachel's Vineyard Ministry retreats twice a year. We visited a facility the other day, that we both feel would be the perfect fit for the retreats. It was absolutely beautiful! It is an old, country manor that has been updated and turned into a retreat/conference center. It sits out on private acreage that has fabulous views of the mountains. It has nine rooms, each with their own bathrooms; and two of the rooms have two queen sized beds, perfect for two friends, or a mother and daughter couple that would like to come. I was so filled with excitement after seeing the facility that night that I could barely sleep at all.
I believe in these retreats so much! My retreat was such a blessing to me! It was the icing on the cake of a lot of very hard emotional work that I had been doing for years before I went. Through the activities that we participated in, I was able to find the closure that I had been needing and looking for. I will always remember my retreat as a life changing experience, and it feels good to be working toward providing the opportunity for the same types of experiences for other women in a bigger way. I love working in the group that I co-facilitate in, and would like to continue that. And, I would love the opportunity to have an Interdenominational site as well.
If you can donate to help us secure this conference center, so that the charges for the attendants could be reasonable, please do so on the Rates page in the site. Also, please send me a quick email with your donation information at We would greatly appreciate any donations that you could provide! If you are not able to donate money, perhaps you would be willing to pray for us to receive the funds that we need to provide these much needed services. Also, if you knit or crochet, or quilt, we need people to donate lap quilts, small blankets or prayer shawls for the retreats. Each participant will receive one during the retreats. Perhaps you live in Western North Carolina and feel lead to donate food to the retreats, that would be appreciated as well. Please, call me at 828.919.8020 to discuss any donations that you can't send through the website.
May God bless you as you give according to your heart! Thank you in advance for your help and for your prayers!
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