Monday, January 16, 2012


Oh,  how our children love us!  I have been amazed throughout my counseling career in helping men and women and children, that no matter the abuse or abandonment, or whatever other kinds of pain our mothers have caused us, we still love them deeply.  Even though we live here in a fallen world with evil encouraging us to live self-centered lives with a vengeance for those who have hurt us, we still look on our hurtful mothers with love.  Even if on the surface we say, "I don't feel that way, I really do hate my mother," deep down inside where no one else can see, is a little girl who still loves her mother, and craves her mother's love and acceptance.  Boy, wouldn't it be easier to flip a switch and be released from that internal conflict?  Yet, there is no switch, thus we are not released that quickly.  Just think how much more our children, living all of this time in the utopia of heaven, must love us.  They've had no evil around them, no influence to hate or do harm.  They exist in a place of divine design, where loving and worshiping our heavenly Father is their only concern and desire.  Don't waste another day worrying and buying into the lie that your baby doesn't love you.  Accept right now, today, the love they have and feel for you.  There is no hatred or resentment or bitterness  or scores kept of wrongs done or retaliation or revenge or punishment waiting there for you, only love.  There is only love.  Think about it: how can our children think and feel things that do no even exist in the world in which they live?  Jesus said to Martha in the book of John, "I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die."  This is our promise, assuring us of what waits for all of us who believe in Him.  Every time the fearful thoughts creep in that your baby hates you and never forgave you, recognize that as the evil lie that it is and claim the love that waits for you.  One day, we will put our arms around our children for the first time; and we and they, in one accord with all of heaven, will rejoice. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Holidays Have Passed

I hope the holidays were good for you and your families.  Now's the time for making lists, rearranging priorities and setting goals for the new year, right?  I like the sense of renewal I feel every time a new year rolls around.  I'm always excited to see a new number at the end of the date.  I enjoy the opportunity to welcome a fresh start, even if they're aren't really any big changes going on in my life.  

So, I reach out, with arms open wide and embrace 2012 with a great big, bear hug and a big ole' smooch on the kisser!  Here's to a new year, new opportunities, new me, and new you!  Best of wishes to all!